I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

Transition to new Yearly Theme

Transition to new Yearly Theme

I am about 11 entries away from starting a new Theme System Journal. A few days ago I started thinking about using the transition from one journal to a new one as an opportunity to evaluate how I think I've done with my current Yearly Theme and Daily Themes. I also thought that this might be a great time to simultaneously consider creating a new Yearly Theme.

For my current Yearly Theme, "Year of More Self-Care and Less Stress/Anxiety," my goal was to set up a series of daily themes that, if tracked consistently, might result in overall less stress and anxiety. I chose 5 Daily Themes to keep track of. I then ranked each of these themes at the end of the day, in the back of the journal. Over the last 5 months, a casual glance at the data from my daily theme journal pages shows me giving myself scores, on average, between 3.5 and 5, with 5 being the best. Not bad, right?

My journal pages, the bulk of the journal, have continued to be a space for me to do several things consistently. One of those things is to create a space to have some positive inner dialog with myself based on what happened during the day. I have achieved that by using 2 of the 4 spaces provided, on a given page, to write about things that made me happy on that day. One of the spaces is used to document that I've spent time writing or to write something down I am grateful for. The remaining space is reserved to think about and write down something I am looking forward to. Things are sounding good, correct?

One would think that all of this effort and focus, and documentation of the self-care I have provided myself might result in overall lessened feelings of stress and anxiety. I'm not so sure I'm there though.

The pressure of my job really got to me this year, more so than at any other time in my 33 year career. This realization leaves me wondering; should I change my Yearly Theme and Daily Themes to something else? Would doing so be a sign that I am giving up on myself and my perceived ability to lessen the overall amount of stress and anxiety I feel at work and carry around with me? Was I wrong to begin with that by taking care of myself that that self-care would result in lessened stress and anxiety? Might choosing to focus on something new get me out of the figurative "weeds' resulting in the lessened stress and anxiety I desperately want? Maybe I am looking at this all wrong.

I have to admit that when I am taking care of myself, whether it be doing yoga, meditating, writing, reading a book, going for walks with my wife or alone on the treadmill, I am not as stressed or anxious as I am when I am, to put it bluntly, at work. How do I bring the sense of calm I feel when taking care of myself into my work environment? I realize that things are never going to be stress or anxiety free while I'm at work especially given our current situation with COVID-19.

As I sit here and write and think about my next steps I'm thinking, a slight shift from what my theme was to something like, The Year of Grace or The Year of Clemency might be in order. The general definition of words like grace and clemency lean towards showing kindness or compassion towards someone. For me, that someone would be myself!

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