I am a husband, writer, and teacher exploring what it means to cultivate mental silence.

BOOSTING my READING consumption

BOOSTING my READING consumption

After watching Cal Newport's Weekly Update #4 video on his YouTube channel I noticed a connection between what he was talking about and a frustration I am currently experiencing as it relates to my home life. I love to read but, through some recent reflection have felt frustrated that I am not reading enough while I am at home. For those of you who are new to my blog, I like to time track how I spend my time. Up until now I have been time tracking just the general amount of time spent reading using the Timery app. For example, at the end of any given week, I could pull a report that shows I read for 2 hours and 35 minutes. In an attempt to boost my reading consumption, I've decided to go a bit more gradular than just a generic "time spent Reading" timer. Again, using Cal's video as inspiration, I have broken my Reading consumption down into 3 categories; categories I've created tags for in the Timery app;

1. Intellectual...reading I deem that forces me to think, reflect, and potentially lead to content creation.

2. Leisure...reading that I do just for fun.

3. Other...reading that does not fit into the first two categories

It is my thinking that my own curiosity about the different types of reading I engage in weekly might lead me to read more!



SCRATCHING an ITCH with Shortcuts and the Action Button on Apple Watch Ultra

SCRATCHING an ITCH with Shortcuts and the Action Button on Apple Watch Ultra